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Christian Gregori
Dec 31, 20201 min read
The End, 2020.
I've spent a lot of this year, with my face in my hands. Not actually, like they were glued there or something; I mean just in terms of...
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Christian Gregori
Aug 6, 20201 min read
Juliet and Farewell (a Ballad)
Twirling, beneath Romeo's sweet silhouette; she arches and tumbles, against the floor. Reckless beauty of each careful step, "the many...
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Christian Gregori
Apr 28, 20201 min read
Winter Wanes Into This Spring
There's a feeling, unlike another, you get when you are in the ebbs and flows of purpose. The solemn and euphoric kinesthesia you get...
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Christian Gregori
Mar 29, 20202 min read
The Middle
"What is potential & is it innate or honed...?"
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