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Writer's pictureMonthly Motivational Shit

Nov. 2022: You are so fucking BEAST! You are a force. Rise & Thrive baby, Rise & Thrive.

"In between the lines of pain and joy, I've found myself celebrating this truth: I am alive!" - GabyNobody

May you be enjoying yourself, allowing yourself to be, and speaking with yourself with the love and kindness you deserve.


The Rise & Thrive Project.

I am prepared to write you a 20 page recap of the art installation that came to life this Oct. 2022. I am prepared to talk about it for years that even my future great grandchildren will be able to pass on the story of how the Rise & Thrive Project came to life.

Maybe my future great grandchildren will bear witness the magic and inspiration that comes from each survivor of sexual abuse that shares their truth.

I hope that my future great great grandchildren go to sleep at night listening to stories of how the Rise & Thrive Project has helped normalize conversations around trauma. I hope that these bedtime stories include examples of how this project also has helped to prevent cycles and stories from repeating themselves.

May these bedtime stories include details of the tenacious individuals that lost themselves and then found themselves again through the power of Self-Love.

I will not write you a 20 page recap today filled with my astonishment for the support, my confessions, nor the flood of visions for the next step. I will share the gems that blessed me with their presence and participation for this event and a little more.

Rise & Thrive 2022 recap.

The Rise & Thrive project consisted of two events and much work in between.

First, there was a workshop where we got to connect, create, and evolve individually and as a collective. Nicole Teal Wellness Studio in Downtown Frederick, MD sponsored this project by providing the perfect "full-circle" location for us as survivors to connect and create.

Second, there was the Semi-Silent Disco and Gallery hosted by Share Your Growth LLC where the beautiful portraits of each powerful survivor were shared with the world and other individuals with similar stories in an interactive art installation. Click here to view the artists that were showcased during this unforgettable pop-up exhibit.

During this installation, someone wrote to GabyNobody, "You are more than just a survivor, you are a success story!"

Check out these success stories!

Photography by @Blaze_Shots & @MarieRoseShoots

Meet Kianna.

Student, World Traveler Photographer, Educator, and more. CLICK HERE to witness how she kicks ass and makes it look really fucking easy.

Meet Gus.

English Literature, Photographer, Graphic Designer, Creative Director, & more. CLICK HERE to experience his incomparable presence.

Meet Ashley.

High Priestess, Muse, Doula, and everything in between. CLICK HERE to explore her gentle healing magic.

Meet Alex.

Photographer, Videographer, and Self-Love enthusiast. CLICK HERE and get lost in her captivating work.

Fuck with them. Support them. Put some respect on their name.

What's next?

Let me be frank, this first project was executed within less than 2 months of preparation. We kicked ass!

Imagine how amazing it will be now that we have done our first trial. Imagine how impactful it will be now that we have put our heads together as a collective.

This was an amazing experience to process together, and we want to share it with more people. More details coming soon.


Creative Outlets Arts Center seeks to provide the community with opportunities and resources to engage in arts based learning and healing. Pull up and let's vibe at their grand opening!

CLICK HERE to register to Abstract Art & Some! Paint your life away. Allow yourself to be. Simultaneously create your own set of unique hand-made bookmarks.

CLICK HERE to register to Vibin' w/ Writings! Bring your writings. Share your writings. Discuss your writings. A space for artists to vibe with artists, discuss ideas, and be.


Did you get a chance to read "Think about your village"

"I want to talk about the contrasts and the merging of our differing generations, and the unnerving realization that we’re all just a part of some greater entity outside of ourselves that is also interweaved within ourselves. " -CLICK HERE to read more.


Thank you & Be Love.

My name is GabyNobody (Elevated Thoughts Activist & a Creative); I am the Head Honcho of The BeYouForYou Network & the artist liaison for The Comus Inn. As a survivor, my art focuses on depicting the journey of Healing & returning to self.

Through my journey of Healing, this website came to life. A platform for myself and an inner circle of friends and survivors to Create, Connect, and Evolve (together and as individuals).

Through the development of this website, my openness to dream big, my wild imagination, and the fire within me that never dies... the art that I create has led me to connect 1:1 with resilient and inspiring individuals I could have never imagined and opportunities for me to evolve and unbecome that sometimes leave me speechless, in awe, and absolutely humbly grateful.

Text your address to (301) 549-2916 to receive your fun-sized GabyNobody print.

Contribution includes and is not limited to: your presence, a conversation regarding this, time to brainstorm, your direct participation, financial donations, paying it forward for other survivors, providing a location/props to shoot, donating food for day of event, etc.


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