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#SumItUpSunday: July 25th, 2020

Writer's picture: Monthly Motivational ShitMonthly Motivational Shit

Last week's article focused on my declaration of my decision to take a break. I shared sentences that I repeated to myself as I know it is important to rest. It is important to recharge. There is value in doing nothing and just being. It feels so much more exciting the further it is, why is that?

People typically dream of becoming their own boss because they dream of doing whatever, whenever. Truth is, or at least in my experience, whatever road you choose to embark in- there will always be sacrifices. Christian Gregory (@LifeYieldsFood), aka Mr.Game'N'Cook and I recently discussed the realization that Life is an endless loop of one finding balance between all the directions that Life pulls you.

I love what I do, and I love the progress this website has made. Presenting my art and who I am on a virtual platform such as this has been an interesting journey in itself. I used to just carelessly "do" and while I learned a lot, while it was super fun, there were also moments I rippled way more chaos than light. Working on my own business has brought me a lot of clarity. There are a lot of platforms out there that provide Beauty tips, Hangout tips, Dating tips, and Turn-Up tips. There are also platforms dedicated to Self-Help guides, working for the "Kingdom" podcasts, and Self-Reflective paths as well. Three years ago, I had an idea of who I want to become. I work on my art everyday, I refine my mission daily. This commitment for a more transparent world has pushed me to reflect and realign myself accordingly. Balance is when your thoughts, words, and actions are all in alignment and that is a daily discipline to practice.

Personally, I have felt a bit out of whack lately. I haven't been able to sleep comfortably because of my constant battle with technology. See, there is a lot that I have sacrificed in order to create all my SUBSTANTIAL content and I have managed myself a healthy schedule considering all aspects of Life. Things have been getting really rough because technology has not kept up with my fire lately and I have been waiting for one video to upload sometimes for three hours. This has lead to extreme panic attacks and they have occurred more often lately and that is not how I want to live my life. It ripples frustration into the rest of my projects. I am taking my time to explain this to you because there is a sense of commitment between me and you, and I am extremely grateful that you have stopped by today to read this. Thank you.

Yes, life is mixed up with a lot of sacrifices and tough decisions. Life is also blessed with opportunities to reflect and reassess how you will continue. Through your path, you change, you evolve, and you learn new things about yourself. When my husband and I married, we vowed to each other to fall in love with each evolution of ourselves and that we looked forward to getting to know new layers of ourselves as we become our most highest authentic selves. It's not always a walk in the park, sometimes it's an extreme obstacle course but we get through it and we get through it together. We keep each other grounded through it all.

This week, I am taking some time to Breathe, to Be, and to create a new plan to maintain my Balance. The funny thing is that a new plan of execution was created about 6 months ago to make my life a little easier than it was. That plan, without a doubt, helped so much and I have gotten so much done in comparison to one year ago. Even with this being a bit smoother than it was a year ago, I know in my heart and in my soul that it is time to refine this execution even more. That is the true beauty of Life, acknowledging your intentions and exploring different ways to attain your goals.

Balance is not something you find, it is something you create. Thank you to every single one of you. If you are here and you have read this far, thank you! Thank you for your existence, your open heart, and your willingness to explore within this deep. I will return again on Sunday, August 2nd with a recap of my break. Stay great! Again, Life is about Balance. You don't always need to be getting stuff done. Sometimes it is perfectly okay and absolutely necessary to shut down, kick back, and reassess.



Below you will find a post that is being shared on social media.

That is all.


Last Week's Recap.

The BeYouForYou Network Channel.

Monday, July 20th, 2020: #MottoMonday

Founder of Blooming Lotus.

Tuesday, July 21st, 2020: #TastyTuesday

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2020: #WildflowerWednesday

partnered with Wildflower, founder of Wildflower_Sweets.

>>> Register for #WildcardWednesdays HERE. <<<

Thursday, July 23rd, 2020: #ThankfulThursday

Friday, July 24th, 2020: #FineArtFriday

blessed by Conrado Muluc.

Full "Do Anything but Stop" song HERE.

Poet. MC. Photographer. & Artivist.

Motivational content is typically published Monday-Friday between 9:00AM and 10:00AM.

This website focuses on depicting the journey of healing for survivors by providing a platform to create, connect, and evolve as individuals and as a collective.

The daily motivational videos are intended to highlight the Good, the Bad, and everything in between in our discipline to Give Love, Receive Love, and Be Love.

Be a friend, share with a friend.


Thank you guys for stopping by! May this coming week's challenges inspire to be stronger and kinder than ever. May this week be filled with Love, Patience, and Evolution.

To become a member, click here.

To subscribe for daily videos, click here.

To find the dopest person in the whole wide world look in the mirror.

Give Love. Receive Love. Be Love.

Create. Connect. Evolve

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