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#SumItUpSunday: August 30th, 2020

Writer's picture: Monthly Motivational ShitMonthly Motivational Shit

I want to age like sea glass. Smoothed by tides, but not broken. I want my hard edges to soften. I want to ride the waves and go with the flow. I want to catch a wave and let it carry me to where I belong. I want to be picked up and held gently by those who delight in my well earned patina and appreciate the changes I went through to achieve that beauty. I want to enjoy the journey and always remember that if you give the ocean something breakable it will turn it into something beautiful. I want to age like sea glass.

Click HERE to find out more about this writer.


I hope that the poem above uplifted you as it uplifted me. Recently, I overshared about my anxiety, what has triggered it in the past, and my awareness of a repeating cycle. You can find those thoughts HERE. At the moment that I shared, I felt vulnerable and open. Often, vulnerability has a negative vibe around it. Vulnerability is the "quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally". When you are vulnerable you are exposed and open to a lot of possibilities, that is life- a mixture of endless possibilities. In my share, I spoke on the fact that there were times that I have let my anxiety get the best of me leaving me immobile to do or interact with people, I allowed my fears to hold me back and keep me there, and get nice and comfortable there as well.

Life is about change. Life is about growth. When we are children, the experience of failure, hurt, and all that jazz is something foreign to us. Processing that and owning up to whom we are within which is Love and Light is an absolute unique experience for each of us. Recently, I was honored with the opportunity to join an intimate cohort through Culture Hustlers.

Ultimately, a "Business School for Creators", offering a full curriculum, and a sense of RAW community.

Life experiences that I have faced have also came paired with a list of insecurities and trust issues. Though I had my trust issues, though the possibility of this being absolutely fake crossed my mind, and even though I was terrified inside of the worst absolute outcome- I jumped in. To this experience- I am still vulnerable, exposed to so many possibilities. I find comfort in remembering how brave I can be, and how much I have managed to get through. That does not make me fearless but it certainly reminds me of my resilience.

The first virtual meeting with #CultureHustlers was a hoot! It was pleasant, raw, genuine, authentic, organic, and left me feeling lighter than when I entered.

There have been previous attempts on my behalf to gather a collaborative group of artists where we learn and thrive from one another. Unfortunately, it hasn't worked out that well for me and I chose to put it down and move on to the next project. I was heartbroken. I am heartbroken. But just like any intimate relationship that comes to an end, you go through your "break-up" stages one step at a time until it circles you back to the dating world with more knowledge of what you want and don't want in your life. #CultureHustlers, whether you know it or not baby, we in a relationship! I look forward to growing with you and learning from you. Thank you kindly for the opportunity. Thank you for the chance for me to dive into something unknown. Vulnerability can be scary as fuck! Vulnerability can also be one of the most amazing things that you allow yourself to be. Through it all, TRUST YOUR GUT, put your best foot forward, and keep ACCOUNTABILITY right up your sleeve. To learn more about CultureHustlers check out this ArtPrize article HERE & also check out all contact information under this week's #FineArtFriday Youtube description below.

"Love is not Love until Love is Vulnerable"


This Week's Recap.

#MottoMonday: August 24th, 2020

Soundtrack by Neffex.


#TastyTuesday: August 25th, 2020

Partnered with Chris Gregori.


#WildcardWednesday: August 26th, 2020


#ThankFulThursday: August 27th, 2020


#FineArtFriday: August 28th, 2020

Soundtrack by FrieBeats.

Motivational content is typically published Monday-Friday between 9:00AM and 10:00AM.

This website focuses on depicting the journey of healing for survivors by providing a platform to create, connect, and evolve as individuals and as a collective.

The daily motivational videos are intended to highlight the Good, the Bad, and everything in between in our discipline to Give Love, Receive Love, and Be Love.

Be a friend, share with a friend.


"When you get some time I’d really like for you to watch this thing that I’ve been helping with at work. Watching this from its inception to no it’s fruition has been a surreal experience and i think the themes and information that they’re hitting with the discussion and with the film are super important for parents, educators and just anyone to see." - Carmen Hernandez


In case any of you are interested at all, the last cycle for the "Artist Relief Grant" just opened back up.

If you are an artist, like myself, look into this and apply for this $5,000 grant!


Thank you guys for stopping by! May this coming week's challenges inspire to be stronger and kinder than ever. May this week be filled with Love, Patience, and Evolution.

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To subscribe for daily videos, click here.

To explore Original Artwork, click here.

To find the dopest person in the whole wide world look in the mirror.

Give Love. Receive Love. Be Love.

Create. Connect. Evolve


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