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Honor your Power!

Titled: "Honor your Power!" by GabyNobody.

Video is free to download.

Be a friend, share with a friend.

Much Love.

(Same video, just YouTube)


When COVID-19 made its first wave here in the United States, I lost my jobs including my 9-5's, my side hustles, my part-time, my gigs including hosting Paint'n'Sip nights at various locations, and my damned self in an abusive place that was meant to be my home. I had so much time in my hands it almost felt ridiculous. Also, I witnessed many entitled people just do whatever they felt like doing regardless of potential risks. To this pandemic, I lost several people. Some had lived a long and loving life, while other family members of mine were young and at the start of a bright and beautiful future. Death didn't choose the old over the young, it took them all without discrimination.

All of these sudden changes led me to believe that I would be perfectly fine without socializing. I thought I'd be okay without going out and making new friends. Let's be honest, a lot of people really suck. A lot of people are assholes and really suck the life out of you. So, fuck people right? Wrong.

There's a lot of reasons to keep your circle close. There's a lot of bricks that build a wall. There's also a lot of reasons to give the world a chance and explore the world for new connections. The number one reason on that list is YOU baby.

Remember, you grow when you step out of your comfort zone. You fuck fear right up when you face it head on. The most marvelous plants are able to grow from the darkest of storms. Storms can tear down many things while also giving Life to living beings.

You are so fucking dope, powerful, and tenacious. Keep pushing. Keep thriving. Keep rising!


Here is a video of when I started to find myself again while I was dealing with an abuser that had me fucked up.


here's one that I LOVE that hasn't made it to YOUTUBE yet.


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