"A true leader is a person whose influence inspires people to do what is expected of them to do. You cease to be a leader when you manipulate with your egos instead of convincing by your inspirations." -Israelmore Ayivor

I, GabyNobody, am an elevated thoughts activist. My mission
and art is focused on depicting the journey of healing from sexual abuse.
Through my journey, the BeYouForYou Network came to life; a platform to create, connect,
and evolve as artists.
I am here for survivors of abuse, and to help as a guide back to Self-Love,
transparency, and growth. I have started by providing art therapy through local
community programs, and will leave pieces of a new worldwide village that will
expand through Art, Love, and Light.
My whole life is currently in boxes and for the first time in a long time I don't feel boxed in.
Shining stars, purple skies and new house keys in my pocket.
Rising sun greeting souls, birthing Sunflowers- eye to eye
Locked in
& Rocking
Enjoy each moment as it comes as this moment too shall pass
Change is the only constant
Be Honest to you & be conscious of the concept:
"Though this world is pretty rotten, though most opinions come with conflict,
If it doesn't elevate your highest conscious, look it in the face-toss it and affirm: Fuck it!
You are worthy. You are flawless, from your core you are dauntless"
Bullshit comes and goes but baby your blessings are countless
A reflection of those shining stars exploding lights through the dark
You were founded grounded at the peak of mountains
Father Universe and Mother Gaia
birthed you from their fountain of Energy and Light ever boundless.
Ferocious Woman, Modest Lotus, Everflowing- Goddess.
-Original Flowetry by GabyNobody.
Thank you guys for stopping by! May this coming week's challenges inspire to be stronger and kinder than ever. May this week be filled with Love, Patience, and Evolution.
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To find the dopest person in the whole wide world look in the mirror.
Give Love. Receive Love. Be Love.
Create. Connect. Evolve