Hi friends! Although we had the Beaver Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse almost two days ago (Nov. 30th at 4:29am ETD) I am only sharing my “Moon News” now because... I was taking my sweet, sweet time. :) No but really, I’ve been studying this energy very intently for the last couple of weeks so that I could embody it and translate my experience into this blog so I was in no mind to rush the process. It’s already a challenge to deliver one collage baby, imagine now with two! 😅 Get it, cuz it's gemini? 😌 (I’ve def been thinking about that joke for a while..)
Let me friendly remind you that I create these to challenge my artistic, technical and time management skills since it's particularly difficult for me as a neurodivergent persxn. It started 6 months ago with the last eclipse and while I’ve seen myself get more confident, more creative and more efficient, it’s still only been 6 months so, I granted myself the room to take my time with this one. If you want to show me some tangible love, feel free to tip me to my cashapp: $TsaiLuv, or Venmo: @AvaintheSky or my paypal: paypal.me/tsaiduc I would greatly appreciate it!! Thanks and Happy Reading!!
Now. Please enjoy. :)
Planet: Mercury. Phrase: “I think". Body parts: Hands, Fingers, Arms, Shoulders, Lungs-the Nervous System.
With the emotional and soulful completion of the Full Moon in the sign of Gemini, our self-awareness is getting sharper and the scripts we tell ourselves, truer. We can listen to our thoughts without investing in them emotionally and we can change our beliefs about ourselves and our relationships. The times when we gave power to others’ opinions have been eclipsed by a new era. Undoubtedly, the times we are living in are historical and are most certainly written in the stars. (Many of the planetary alignments haven’t happened for hundreds of years when large shifts of paradigms occurred in humankind!)
This is the last Lunar eclipse of the year, closing off the progress since the last one back in July and anticipating the Solar Eclipse on Dec. 14th as well as the start of the infamous Age of Aquarius on Dec. 21/22. The intentions/affirmations we set at this time will set the tone for the next 6 months.
The Full Moon we had was in Gemini, an air sign ruled by Mercury which governs our thinking. This energy is all about paying attention to the words swimming around in your brain. As Don Miguel Ruiz said in his book “The Four Agreements”, words are like spells, so be impeccable with your word. This isn’t an exaggeration. Words can only hold meaning in the world if they are being read or thought or spoken, and oh how the world is filled with words. Mostly, the world is heavily filled with the thoughts that logic and reason is the only way to know the truth. But as astrologer Tania Gabrielle says (link below): Thoughts aren’t facts. The truth is, every word comes with an emotional attachment of some degree, and a series of words repeated over and over again can hold an immense amount of emotional power that dictates how you come to feel on an everyday basis, and that can either be incredibly uplifting or incredibly destructive depending on what decisions you end up making for yourself and out in the world.
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Gemini energy represents duality in several ways. In Greek mythology, it is double masculine energy. The story is not that they were twins, but half brothers, one mortal and the other a Demigod, but when the mortal one died, out of love and loyalty, the Demigod gave up his mortal self to lead a life of eternity with his brother as a constellation in the skies. They saw themselves in each other. One held a profound understanding that ignited the sense of infinity in the other, symbolizing the duality that we mortals experience, the ability to connect to everything or “the infinite” and the ability to totally detach from it and live only on an Earthly plane, sans “God”, or as I interpret it, without intuition.
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The energy is also related to Adam and Eve. In Tarot, the card for Gemini is represented as “the Lovers” card and is basically a portrait of Adam and Eve. Traditionally, it’s depicted as a cisman standing by a tree of fire, representing that passion and force of life of the yang, as Taoism describes it, while on the other side stands a ciswomxn by an apple tree with a hanging snake, as the yin, the light, the divine feminine. In between them and far into the distance is a mountain, and in the clouds above, an angel can be seen representing divine assistance for their connection by using the feminine as a means of communication between the mortal and the heavens.
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When the card is pulled, it points towards a soul contract and divine guidance in a love partnership. More than "soulmates", the two individuals' union has a greater purpose in the world. Where on the earthly plane we consider a successful partnership to be grounded in love and perhaps practicality, this card speaks on a one that is contracted in spirituality. It’s a theory that can’t be “understood”, only believed, which is where the spiritual part comes in. It has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with seeing yourself in all life forms and vice versa. Feeling at one with everyone and everything, knowing that the cosmos lives within you and that you are here to do nothing different than every other lifeform, grow and BLOOM.
When these partnerships come together on the physical plane, a journey for ascending one’s spirituality begins. The truth of the world is that we come from a dark past that we progressively come out of with every generation, but in order for us to do that, we need something external to give us a sign, and if we’re lucky, or really just take a moment to have faith that you are deserving of happiness (“let go and let Godd”), we can receive divine intervention in the form of a “lover”. This happens because that persxn triggers ideas and emotions in us that highlight our relationship with ourselves and how we interact with the world. It’s like two worlds merge when two individuals come together, but only if you listen to your intuition can you receive the spiritual messages that partnership has brought for you to receive. Why? Because your mind easily plays tricks on you when you believe in the wrong ideas.
A relationship is never anything less or more than the right influence of energy that you need in order to fulfill your potential in life with the rest of the world. That lover is there to root for you to shine while they do the same for themselves, but the magical, divine part is how you both seem to be in the right place at the right time to be able to do that for each other. And there’s no other person who could hear the song they sing the way that you do, and no-one who could sing that song the way that they do. It’s like… being made for each other! But this magical part of the story pertains to the physical realm and that’s where the story can get sticky and tricky. If the elements of space and time live within every body, (stay with me) then mental paradigms are as diverse as a tropical rainforest (very!). And because of the massive bombarding of misinformation we’ve received since infancy, we come with false notions about what a relationship is supposed to be like and supposed to feel like. We expect it to solve all our problems, not realizing that only we have the power to not only solve them but that we’ve been feeding fuel into our own fire of negative spiraling all along. The thing is, nobody can “believe” anything FOR you, just like no-one else can live in your body and BE you, so, one way to take advantage of this energy is to turn any negative thinking that you might catch yourself having and turning it into a positive affirmation. For example: I decide what my creative limitations are and what they aren’t. No-one else. (This is definitely one of mine!)
This Beaver Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse in Gemini is low-key, a historical blessing. It is helping to set aside all of the gibberish that made us feel negatively about ourselves and give us the ability to seek silence, stillness, space to separate ourselves from those thoughts by observing the emotional responses/attachments and then inviting us to curate what we actually want to think, what we actually believe is true, for how we actually want to feel, because we know how we deserve to feel. Good! (Plain and simple.)
Key actions to take:
Make a distinction between your thoughts and your potential and stop identifying with the ones that stifle you.
Channel curiosity rather than enabling your pre-programmed emotional reactivity.
Carve out little moments to meditate or just quiet your brain and breathe to allow for the separation of thought and emotion to occur. (Go out into nature in any capacity - open up a window at least!)
The sun is in Sadge (Saggittarius) the planet of joy and fortune so, roll with the optimism! Look for the silver linings and then hold those as true (because they are, they always are!)
Push yourself to be as honest as you can with yourself. Facades can only take you so far and contrary to popular beliefs about Gemini, Gemini is about pure authenticity which sometimes requires sticking to a belief to someone elses.
Accept the emotional, intuitive intelligence that comes with feminine energy and honor its divinity. It resides within yourself so, literally, respect yourself.
Work on dettaching yourself from socially constructed ideas about relationships, about your potential in life, about your mental, emotional and spiritual limitations and inclinations.
Joy is always available to you, if you can face the truth of truths, it will set you free and joy can then rise from within you and spread onto others.
Look out for the ways in which you’ve allowed yourself to feel inferior than or superior to others, both are ego points of view and contribute to your suffering.
Embrace the healing by believing new thought patterns that create positive feelings in you.
Believe that joy is possible, that change is possible, that forgiveness is possible, because ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.
Ultimately, the current energies are pushing us to experience more of life as it unfolds in the present moment, meaning to be present. Helping us to detach our emotions from the thoughts we were somehow forced to believe from past influences and finding solutions in the inner knowing that the future is promising and bright for you in whatever vocation you were gifted to pursue, because it simply is so! If you can recognize that your mind, body and soul is nothing more than a pure expression of LIFE! Then hopefully you can see, that it’s only purpose on Earth is to express the brilliant shine that is BEING ALIVE.
Aho All my Relatives. May Creator Bless each and every one of you and have a safe healing journey!!
Tania Gabrielle: https://youtu.be/1zIthohALYw
Wonder Girl Astrology: https://youtu.be/lOUQcklGnpg
Gregory Scott: https://youtu.be/xHR_JNWEUlg
Art inspiration: The Lovers card, clocks and mirrors from Alice in Wonderland, the Matrix, Extraterrestrials, the deepest part of the ocean, clouds in the high sky, my own Twin Flame journey, my sacred trans-masculinity and Two-Spiritedness.